SIM Swap

Under SIM Swap, fraudsters figure out how to get another SIM card given against your enlisted mobile number through the mobile specialist organization. With the assistance of this new SIM card, they get One Time Password (OTP) and alerts, expected for making financial exchanges through your bank account.

How do fraudsters work usning sim swap?

Fraudsters accumulate client’s personal data through Phishing, Vishing, Smishing or some other means.

They then approach the mobile administrator and get the SIM blocked. After this, they visit the mobile administrator’s retail outlet with the fake ID proof acting like the client.

The mobile administrator deactivates the veritable SIM card and issues another one to the fraudster.

Fraudster then, at that point, produces One Time Password (OTP) expected to work with exchanges utilizing the taken banking data. This OTP is gotten on the new SIM held by the fraudster.

Step by step instructions to safeguard yourself from fraud:

If your mobile no. has quit working for a more than regular period, enquire with your mobile service provider to ensure you haven’t succumbed to the Scam.

Register for SMS and Email Alerts to remain informed about the exercises in your bank account.

Routinely look at your bank articulations and exchange history for any anomalies.


Vishing is one such endeavor where fraudsters attempt to look for your personal data like Customer ID, Net Banking password, ATM PIN, OTP, Card expiry date, CVV and so on through a phone call.

How do fraudsters work using vishing?

The fraudster acts like a worker from the bank or a Government/Financial foundation and ask clients for their personal data.

They refer to fluctuated reasons with regards to why they need this data. For example reactivation of record, encashing of remuneration focuses, sending another card, linking the Account with Aadhar, and so forth.

These subtleties in this manner acquired are then used to direct fraudulent exercises/exchanges for the client without their insight.

Step by step instructions to shield yourself from Vishing fraud:

Never share any personal data like Customer ID, ATM PIN, OTP and so forth via phone, SMS or email.

If all else fails, approach the Phone Banking number of your Bank.


Smishing is a kind of fraud that utilizes mobile phone text messages to bait victims into getting back to back on a fraudulent phone number, visiting fraudulent websites or downloading pernicious substance by means of phone or web.

How do fraudsters work in smishing?

Fraudsters send SMS hinting client’s of prize money, lottery, propositions for employment and so on and mentioning them to share their Card or Account certifications.

Ignorant, the client’s adhere to directions to visit a website, call a phone number or download malevolent substance.

Subtleties subsequently imparted to the individual who started the SMS are then used to go through with fraudulent exchanges for client, causing them financial misfortune.

Step by step instructions to shield yourself from SMISHING fraud:

Never share your personal data or financial data by means of SMS, call or email.

Try not to adhere to the guidelines as mentioned in SMS sent from un-confided in source, erase such SMS right away.


What do you do when you go over messages that appear to be dubious? Phishing is a kind of fraud that includes taking personal data like Customer ID, IPIN, Credit/Debit Card number, Card expiry date, CVV number, and so forth through messages that appear to be from a real source. These days, phishers additionally use phone (voice phishing) and SMS (Smishing).

How do fraudsters work in Phishing?

Fraudsters act like Bank officials and send fake messages to clients, asking them to direly check or update their record data by clicking on a link in the email.

Clicking on the link redirects the client to a fake website that seems to be the official Bank website – with a web structure to fill in his/her personal data.

Data so procured is then used to go through with fraudulent exchanges for the client.

How to identify fake Phishing website:

  • Check the URL of the site page. The ‘s’ toward the finish of ‘https://’ stands for ‘secure‘ – meaning the page is gotten with an encryption. Most fake web addresses start with ‘http://’. Be careful with such websites!
  • Really take a look at the Padlock image. This portrays the presence of a security certificate, likewise called the computerized certificate for that website.
  • Check out the genuineness of the website by checking its advanced certificate. To do as such, go to File > Properties > Certificates or double tap on the Padlock image at the upper right or base corner of your browser window.

How to shield yourself from Phishing:

  • Continuously check the web address cautiously.
  • For logging in, consistently type the website address in your internet browser address bar.
  • Continuously check for the Padlock symbol at the upper or base right corner of the page to be ‘On’.
  • Introduce the most recent enemy of infection/against spyware/firewall/security patches on your PC or mobile phones.
  • Continuously use non-administrator client ID for routine work on your PC.
  • Never Click on dubious link in your email.
  • Provide no confidential data through email, regardless of whether the solicitation is by all accounts from specialists like Income Tax Department, Visa or MasterCard and so on.
  • Try not to open unforeseen email connections or text download links.
  • Try not to get to Net Banking or make payments utilizing your Credit/Debit Card from PCs openly puts like cyber bistros or even from unprotected mobile phones.

Money Mule Scam

Money Mule is a term used to portray honest victims who are tricked by a fraudsters into laundering taken/unlawful money through their bank account(s). At the point when such incidents are accounted for, the money mule turns into the subject of police examinations, because of their association.

How do fraudsters work in money mule scam?

  • Fraudsters contact clients through messages, discussion channels, work websites or online journals, and persuade them to get money into their bank accounts, in return of alluring commissions.
  • The fraudsters then, at that point, move the unlawful money into the money donkey’s record.
  • The money donkey is then coordinated to move the money to another money donkey’s record – beginning a chain that eventually brings about the money getting moved to the fraudster’s record.
  • At the point when such frauds are accounted for, the money donkey turns into the objective of police examinations.

Step by step instructions to safeguard yourself from Money Mule fraud:

  • Try not to answer messages requesting your bank account subtleties.
  • For any abroad proposition for employment, first confirm the identity and contact subtleties of the utilizing organization.
  • Try not to get snatched up by appealing offers/commissions or agree to get unapproved money.

What is Trojan?

A Trojan is a dangerous piece of software that clients are commonly fooled into downloading and executing on their PCs. After it is introduced and initiated, Trojan goes after the PC prompting cancellation of files, data theft, or enactment/spread of infections. Trojans can likewise make secondary passages to give admittance to programmers.

How do fraudsters work using Trojan?

  • Fraudsters use spamming methods to send messages to various clueless individuals.
  • Clients who open or download the connection in these messages get their PCs tainted.
  • At the point when the client performs account/card related exchanges, the Trojan takes personal data and sends them to fraudsters.
  • These subtleties will then, at that point, be utilized to manage fraudulent exchanges for the client.

Instructions to shield yourself from Trojans:

  • Never open messages or download connections from obscure shippers. Simply erase such messages.
  • Introducing antivirus makes a difference. It checks each file you download and shields you from noxious files.
  • Empower programmed OS refreshes or download OS fix refreshes consistently to keep your Operating System fixed against known weaknesses.
  • Introduce patches from software producers when they are disseminated. A completely fixed PC behind a firewall is the best protection against Trojan.
  • Download and utilize the most recent form of your browser.
  • On the off chance that your PC gets contaminated with a Trojan, detach your Internet association and eliminate the files being referred to with an antivirus program or by reinstalling your working system.If essential, get your PC overhauled.

Secure Net-Banking Tips

• Keep your Customer ID and password confidential and don’t uncover it to anyone.

• Change your password when you get it by logging into your Net Banking account. Remember your password, don’t record it anyplace.

• Avoid getting to internet banking from shared PC networks, for example, cyber bistros or public Wifi network like lodging/air terminal and so on.

• Try not to click on links in the messages or destinations other than the certifiable net banking website of your Bank to get to your Net Banking site page.

• Continuously visit the Bank’s Net Banking webpage through Bank’s landing page by composing the bank’s website address on to the browser’s location bar.

• Continuously confirm the realness of the Bank’s Net Banking website page by checking its URL and the PAD Lock image at the base corner of the browser.

• Incapacitate “Auto Complete” highlight on your browser.

• Uncheck “Client names and passwords on structures”, click on “Clear Passwords”

• Click “Alright”

• Utilize virtual console include while logging into your internet banking account.

• Do cross check your keep going login data accessible on Net Banking upon each login to discover your last login and screen any unapproved logins.

• Continuously type in your confidential record data. Try not to copy paste it.

• Screen your exchanges consistently. Utilize Bank’s Alerts administration and carry any fraudulent exchange to the notification of the bank.

• Continuously logout when you leave Net Banking. Try not to straightforwardly close the browser.

How to Secure ATM Banking

• memorize your PIN. Try not to record it anyplace, and unquestionably never on the actual card.

• Try not to share your PIN or card to anyone including Bank workers, not even your companions or family. Change your PIN consistently.

• Stand near the ATM machine and utilize your body and hand to safeguard the keypad as you enter the PIN. Be careful with outsiders around the ATM who attempt to draw you in any discussion.

• Try not to take help from outsiders for utilizing the ATM card or handling your money

• Manage no exchange on the off chance that you find any surprising gadget associated with your ATM machine.

• Press the ‘Drop’ key and sit tight for the welcome screen prior to getting away from the ATM. Make sure to take your card and exchange slip with you.

• In the event that you get an exchange slip, shred it immediately after utilize in the event that not required.

• On the off chance that your ATM card is lost or taken, report it to your bank immediately

• At the point when you store a register or card with your ATM, really look at the credit passage in your record following two or three days. In the event that there is any error, report it to your bank.

• Register your mobile number with the Bank to get alerts for your exchanges

• In the event that your card stalls out in the ATM, or on the other hand on the off chance that money isn’t administered after you entering in an exchange, call your bank immediately

• In the event that you have any protest about your ATM/Debit/Credit card exchange at an ATM, you should accept it up with the bank

Secure Phone Banking

• While conversing with the Phone Banking officer, never uncover the following

  • 4 digit ATM/IVR PIN
  • OTP
  • Net Banking password
  • CVV (Card Verification Value)

• make sure that nobody sees you entering you PIN (personal identification number).

• Avoid giving verification credentials to the Phone Banking officer while in broad daylight places.

• The Phone Banking channel is intended to just be utilized by the record holder. Try not to move the line or hand via phone to some other individual after you complete self-authentication.

Secure Online Shopping tips

• Continuously shop or make payments through trusted/presumed websites.

• Do not click on links in messages. Continuously type the URL in the location bar of the browser.

• Prior to entering your confidential subtleties, consistently check the URL of the site you are on!

• If you are an incessant online customer, information exchange for Verify by Visa and Master Card secure code program.

• Check your record proclamations routinely and carry any fraudulent exchange to the notification of the bank.

• Check for PAD LOCK image on the website page prior to beginning to execute.

• Try not to click on links in that frame of mind on reference websites to visit the online shopping webpage. Continuously type the URL in the location bar.

Do not enter your confidential record data, for example, Credit Card Numbers, Expiry Date, CVV values, and so on any spring up windows.

Utilize One Time Password (OTP) got on the mobile phone rather than static Visa and Master Card secure code password as OTP are safer.

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