As a Lawyer, we represent either party in a criminal or civil case, presenting and rebutting evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and arguing in support of our clients ensuring that their version is not only heard but noted well and leave an impact on the mind of the Court .

As advisers, we offer legal guidance to our clients concerning their legal rights, privileges, liabilities etc. and recommend a specific strategy in business or individual situations.

We give best consultation to our clients for legal information and documents , review documents from a legal perspective like agreements between two parties, Leases, Wills, Power of Attorney, formation of Trust, corporation documents, court notices, company formation papers, and so on.

We also offer mediation, arbitration, conciliation and alternate dispute redressals and other services.

We also prepare legal documents and representation for clients. We represent clients in courtrooms in case of arbitration, administrative or legislative hearings.

We also free legal advise to needy people and guide them about services provided by Delhi Legal Services Authority (DLSA).